Saturday, August 28, 2010

First Impressions

はじめまして everybody!

My name is Jane Park, and I'm a sophomore from Pennsylvania. I spent my school years learning French and improving my Korean. However, I'm excited to finally learn Japanese; I spent a significant amount of middle school and high school watching anime and reading manga books. I'd consider it a great feat to be able to read books and watch anime without constantly searching for translations or subtitles. I love the way the language sounds, and I think learning it might even help me in improving my Korean or having some exposure to Chinese characters. Right now, I'm thrilled simply by having memorized a few hiragana characters, but I hope to quickly learn to speak, read, and write at a proficient level.

My parents, especially my mom, grew up strongly opposing the Japanese because of their tense history with Korea. I hope to bridge that gap and improve relations between people of both nationalities on a personal level. I also hope to visit or study abroad in Japan sometime during my college career (business undecided) or through my profession because it would open my eyes to another amazing part of the world. Speak to me in Japanese if we see each other on campus! I might not understand, but that's how the gift of awkwardness was invented.

Maybe this is why I like the artist Younha so much! Or maybe it's just her voice \\^o^//

じゃあ また!


  1. こんいちわパークさん!はじめまして。Lauren Hirsch です。コロンビアだいがくのいちねんせいです。にほんごのがくせいです。I just wanted to say hi because I noticed that we have such similar backgrounds and tastes! わたしもあにめとまんががすき!ようんはがすき!I think it's so cool that one of your goals is to be able to read manga/watch anime without translations--that's what I have written in my blog too!Plus,I also studied フランスご in school when I was younger, from kindergarten through 12th grade, and I am half Chinese, so my grandmother was not too happy about my taking にほんご instead of ちゅうごくご。I also really want to study abroad in Japan someday. Man, it's kinda scary how many similarities I'm finding! Haha. I'm very jealous that you can speak Korean. Do you find that it helps you at all with learning Japanese?
    I guess that's all for now. どうぞよろしくおねがいします!じゃまた!

  2. こんにちは Jane さん!わたしのなまえはヂエゴです。ロコンビアだいだくのがくせいです。わたしもフランス語をはなします。I love your reasons for learning Japanese and wish you the best!
